Thursday, June 26, 2008

Life is SO unpredictable!

As some of you may have heard, our little Nicholas is very ill. We aren't sure exactly why, but it all started on Tuesday evening around 7 pm. We were just relaxing as Nicholas played in the floor, he then stood up, grabbed his tummy, and vomited everywhere. That was the first of approximately 20 times he would vomit that night. Around midnight, we took him to the ER where they gave him something for nausea that pretty much sent him into a deep sleep. After an hour of him sleeping soundly in the hospital bed, they sent us home saying to offer him liquids when he awoke.

Nicholas continued to vomit throughout the night until he was simply heaving without anything actually coming out (dry heaves). He wasn't even able to keep down a teaspoon of water and at 9 am on Wednesday, after about 20 hours of vomiting every 10 minutes, we took him back to the ER. This time, he was severely dehydrated. His eyes were very sunken in and his mouth was coated with a white substance. He could not stand up or hold his head up and was completely lethargic. Fortunately, they hooked him up to an IV right away and pumped necessary fluids back into his little body. Four hours later, and the color had finally returned in his cheeks and he was begging to drink water. The doctor only allowed him ice chips, but he ate them like they were the best things he'd ever tasted. We were sent home and told to let this run its course.

Nicholas has not vomited since the hospital stay (thank God!) but has since developed a fever of about 103 and constant diarrhea. He is still very lethargic and his appetite hasn't really returned.
Please keep him in your prayers as it is so hard to see your little one sick (as any mommy knows) and even harder when they can't really communicate to you what they're feeling. I am assuming this is either food poisoning or some sort of stomach flu, but we don't know for sure. Just please pray it passes quickly.

I intended to write about Nicholas first swimming lessons that were lined up for this week as well as the strides he is making with therapy. That, for now, will have to wait until he's feeling well enough to resume those activities.

Thanks for reading and for your prayers.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Very Interesting...

So...I guess I managed to let a whole month slip by without posting and there's lots of catching up to do. Thanks for all those who visit this blog. Please don't give up on me...I'll write more often...I promise!

When I last wrote, Nicholas had just begun therapy and we were super excited about the progress he was already making. He has now been in O/T (Occupational Therapy) for a little over 2 months now and S/T (Speech Therapy) for about 3 weeks. The results have been nothing short of stunning. For starters, my son, the pickiest eater I have ever known...who had never in his life chewed and swallowed a piece of fruit, picked up an apple this morning and casually began to eat it; just as though he'd been eating them all along. He took big crunchy bites and between mouthfuls, rubbed his tummy and said "hmmmm...apples are great!". Now, for most, seeing your child eat an apple is no bigger deal than seeing them pick their noses. But for me, my heart almost burst with pride. He's been working on fruits and veggies with his dear OT therapist, Ms. N, and apparently, it's paying off.

As for his obsessive compulsive behavior, which had become so extreme, we had to wait for him to let us know exactly what to do for fear that we'd make the wrong move. For instance...if I walked in a room with him and casually flipped the light switch, he'd lose it. I would stand there in bewilderment trying to figure out what I did wrong and he'd be screaming like crazy. Finally, we figured out that he was the only one allowed to turn lights on when he walked into a room with us. This and many other OCD behaviors plagued our days. Now, though some traces of that remain, we can do things without worrying about a tantrum following or without him needing to control the environment to such an extreme degree.

Other improvements? Well...the kid that hated toothbrushes now brushes his own teeth...with an electric toothbrush! Something he always feared just from the simple noise it made...forget the sensation of how it felt in his mouth. Now he bears those pearly whites and brushes away. Hair brushing is no big deal...he's wearing flip flops now (used to despise them), dresses himself for the most part (with minimal help), and as I stated before, is eating all sorts of new foods.

As for his speech...well, his therapist came to me just about 3 days ago and said, "we're going to have to change Nicholas' goals we set for him. He's already reached them all". This is only after 3 weeks! I was so elated. I could tell he was talking better (and more!), but to hear someone validate the progress you see in your child is an amazing feeling. He's putting 5, 6, and 7 word sentences together with no problem. He's participating in spontaneous speech and answers "yes" and "no" questions appropriately about 75% of the time. Today he opened up his snack drawer in the kitchen, came over to me and said, "hmmm...that's interesting...". Without trying to smile too big, I said "what's interesting?". He said, "I can't find the fruit snacks". I had to laugh out loud and of course, now he thinks saying "I can't find the fruit snacks" is the best punchline to the funniest joke ever and has said it about 20 more times! I don't long as he's talking, he can repeat it as many times as he likes!

So all is going well with Nicholas; very well indeed. We are so blessed for the improvements Nicholas has made so far. We can say for certain that God smiles down on Nicholas. My sister, Latrelle, has this thing she always says when God works things out for her in ways only He can. She says "God sure does love me!" That's how I feel when I see Nicholas' progress..."God sure does love him!".

As I read back over the improvements I've noted, I can't help but wonder if what I notice is a little bias. By that, I mean, if someone else were to write the things they've seen Nicholas improve in, would they focus on hygiene and eating properly? Perhaps these are those things Mommies feel so responsible for instilling in our children. If they grow up healthy and clean...then we've done a good job. Perhaps that's somewhat true, but we all know the importance of fitting into society in the best possible way we can. If I can help him accomplish those things that give him a greater edge or a better advantage in his life, then I'm all there. I'll be his coach and his cheerleader in this game of life while he is with me. Because one day...I'll have to send him out into the world alone, and so long as I know he's equipped to win...I will worry a little less.