Thursday, June 26, 2008

Life is SO unpredictable!

As some of you may have heard, our little Nicholas is very ill. We aren't sure exactly why, but it all started on Tuesday evening around 7 pm. We were just relaxing as Nicholas played in the floor, he then stood up, grabbed his tummy, and vomited everywhere. That was the first of approximately 20 times he would vomit that night. Around midnight, we took him to the ER where they gave him something for nausea that pretty much sent him into a deep sleep. After an hour of him sleeping soundly in the hospital bed, they sent us home saying to offer him liquids when he awoke.

Nicholas continued to vomit throughout the night until he was simply heaving without anything actually coming out (dry heaves). He wasn't even able to keep down a teaspoon of water and at 9 am on Wednesday, after about 20 hours of vomiting every 10 minutes, we took him back to the ER. This time, he was severely dehydrated. His eyes were very sunken in and his mouth was coated with a white substance. He could not stand up or hold his head up and was completely lethargic. Fortunately, they hooked him up to an IV right away and pumped necessary fluids back into his little body. Four hours later, and the color had finally returned in his cheeks and he was begging to drink water. The doctor only allowed him ice chips, but he ate them like they were the best things he'd ever tasted. We were sent home and told to let this run its course.

Nicholas has not vomited since the hospital stay (thank God!) but has since developed a fever of about 103 and constant diarrhea. He is still very lethargic and his appetite hasn't really returned.
Please keep him in your prayers as it is so hard to see your little one sick (as any mommy knows) and even harder when they can't really communicate to you what they're feeling. I am assuming this is either food poisoning or some sort of stomach flu, but we don't know for sure. Just please pray it passes quickly.

I intended to write about Nicholas first swimming lessons that were lined up for this week as well as the strides he is making with therapy. That, for now, will have to wait until he's feeling well enough to resume those activities.

Thanks for reading and for your prayers.


1 comment:

drdpena said...

Mom-Maw is praying for her little man. I sure hate it when he's not feeling well because he's had so many hurdles in his life that he's already had to jump. We love you, little man, and we'll be praying that your little boo-boo in your tummy gets all well...quickly!