Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Sweet Taste of Success

Thursday was Nicholas' official meeting to discuss his treatment plan since his evaluation a couple of weeks ago with his occupational therapist. I sat nervously with the most genuine smile I could muster plastered to my face as I listened to her explain that Nicholas, developmentally, functions on the same level as a 13 month old baby. Aside from his speech therapy, Nicholas will attend OT 3 times a week for the next year. There is a waiting list for speech therapy so we will not be able to start until the end of April.

Not that this was the best news I'd received lately, but there is something so rewarding that comes with knowing you are throwing your heart and soul into helping your child...and it's paying off. What was also remarkably refreshing was the therapist's reaction to the differences in Nicholas' speech and behavior since evaluating him just 2 weeks prior. As she handed him crayons and paper to occupy himself during the meeting, he politely replied "wow, thank you so much!". He sat patiently and colored his paper as we talked and interrupted only to ask "mommy, can I have a snack?". As the meeting was coming to an end, Ms. N (the therapist) says she notices that Nicholas is talking better and behaving more calmly. I simply explain to her that he's been on a gluten free casein free diet for the past month. She smiles and says...well he's doing great.

So...our journey continues and my appreciation for the knowledge that improves the quality of life for autistic children deepens. As I throw myself deeper into the GFCF world, I realize how incredible the results can be. This morning, as I was getting out of bed, Nicholas says "hey mommy, what about pancakes?" I smiled and said, okay, let's go. As we walked downstairs he looked down and exclaimed, "mommy, where's your shoes?" I give myself a mental high five!

Tonight I made GFCF pizza with mozerella cheese and a crispy crust. For dessert? Soft, warm, chewy, chocolate chip cookies with sprinkles (completely GFCF). Nicholas was in heaven.

Continue to pray for us as we continue our journey. We are so appreciative of all those who have offered support.

God bless.


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