Friday, March 14, 2008

Why Kiss Hugs?

My son sweet little baby boy (well, I say baby, but he's actually 3 years old) was diagnosed with Austism Spectrum Disorder/Sensory Processing Disorder very recently. I knew about Autism. I'd read the books, done the research, and felt fully prepared to debunk any notion of him having anything remotely related to Autism. Yes, my motherly instinct told me something wasn't quite right...but Autism? I didn't consider myself a mother in denial until I heard that official diagnosis.

Nicholas always makes eye contact, gives more hugs than I can count in a day, tells me he loves me, and has never been shy. I never imagined that the way he liked to line or stack his toys, the way he'd only observe other children playing rather than joining in, or the clear inability for others to understand his language was related to Autism. The frequent tantrums, the inability to understand logic, and his complete lack of interest in every single toy he owns were all signs I missed somehow.

However, here we are on this journey. I, like many mothers, believe Autism is treatable and can be reversed. We have only begun our journey towards healing, but already I see changes in my beautiful son. Just today, we had a whole conversation about his dog, Davidson. He told me how Davidson likes to chew on his toys and I told him I would "spank Davidson's little tail" if he didn't stop. His big smile and silly laughs let me know that he knew I was just joking. This is a small, but substantial milestone.

This blog is being created to keep family and friends updated on Nicholas' progress as we continue this journey towards healing. The name...Kiss Hugs, is very fitting. Every night when I tuck Nicholas in for bed, I can walk about two steps before I hear "Mommy...kiss hug!" A kiss hug is when I kiss Nicholas all over his little face and give him a big squeeze that always makes him laugh so hard...sometimes he gets hiccups. It's become my most treasured part of the day and I soak it in with all my might. Just as I soak in those precious moments, I am soaking in every bit of information I can that will improve the quality of Nicholas' life. I am so grateful for those in my life (and you all know who you are) that have supported, and continue to support, all my efforts on this journey.

Please check back for updates on Nicholas. I will post very soon.

God bless.



drdpena said...

I am the ever-so-proud Mom-Maw of this adorable little guy and I can truly thank God for sending us such a GREAT blessing! He has an aurora about him that totally captivates you in his presence. We love you Nicholas and with God's help and the love from ALL of're going to grow up to leave your mark on this beautiful walk of life and we'll all be here to share with you...and your mommy and daddy....every step of YOUR JOURNEY! I love you Honey! MOM-MAW

Caryn said...

Nicholas you are so full of compassion, joy and life. Although I only met you once on an airplane, I feel I know you from all the wonderful things your mommy has to say about you.
You are a beautiful soul and you will get through this.
Just be strong little one. You are in my prayers.

Love your mommy's friend,